November 06, 2024
Good Health & Wellbeing | SDG #3
Celtic Tweed is dedicated to ensuring the health and well-being of our staff of all ages. Our approaches to occupational health and safety is an essential part of our relationship with our employees. As part of our commitment, we are proactive in enhancing the well-being of our staff by offering healthy food and beverages.
In the future, we aspire to further support our staff’s physical health by facilitating gym memberships. We will continue to educate our employees through workplace health and safety initiatives, while upholding our Code of Conduct, Responsible Practices, and Health and Safety Policy.
Our commitment to the health and wellbeing of our staff and community members.
3.4: Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health
3.8: Achieve universal health coverage
3.9: Reduce illnesses and deaths from hazardous chemicals and pollutio
Quality Education | SDG #4
Celtic Tweed is looking to provide inclusive, equitable and quality education. We value the culture of continuous learning and actively seek to present our employees with fresh opportunities for capacity development every day. We have department-specific technical programs that extend beyond initial job training as employee training is a key part in developing our business model, emphasising innovation and collaboration.
Moving forward, we aspire to collaborate with voluntary and educational entities to repurpose raw material offcuts and transform finished garments into innovative, functional items. We are developing a plan to work with third-level agencies to provide training and education to our local community. This includes the establishment of an apprenticeship program, focusing on areas like patterning, design, and production management.
Our commitment to Quality Education, Capacity Development and Training
4.3: Equal access to affordable technical, vocational, and higher education
4.4: Increase the number of people with relevant skills for financial success
4.5: Eliminate all discrimination in educatio
Gender Equality | SDG #5
Celtic Tweed stands firmly against any form of discrimination, developing measures to promote gender equality and empower all women and girls. This includes the adoption of a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy, approving equality plans, providing training and raising awareness. Reflecting our dedication to gender balance, we proudly design clothing for both men and women.
Our commitment to gender equality
5.5: Ensure full participation in leadership and decision-making
5.8: Promote empowerment of women through technology
5.9: Adopt and strengthen policies and enforceable legislation for gender equalit
Clean Energy | SDG #7
Celtic Tweed is actively assessing our electricity consumption and exploring government grants to optimise energy use for our operations.
We are committed to integrating renewable energy into our production processes and plan to incorporate solar panels to provide our own power for production. Our vision is for our operational facilities to not only be self-sufficient but to also contribute surplus energy back to the grid, transitioning from energy consumers to net energy providers by 2026.
Our commitment to using Clean, Renewable sources of energy for business operation.
7.1: Universal access to modern energy
7.2: Increase the global percentage of renewable energy
7.3: Double the improvement in energy efficiency
7.4: Promote access to research, technology and investments in clean energy
7.5: Expand and upgrade energy services for developing countrie
Decent Work and EconomicGrowth | SDG #8
Celtic Tweed promotes decent work by upholding fair wage practices and ensuring equal opportunities for all. To this end, we are looking to develop a pension system for all our employees by December 2024.
By establishing our business in Balbriggan, we’ve created sustainable and highly-skilled job opportunities that stimulate local economic growth. To this end, we are looking to empower young people through apprenticeship opportunities, thereby enriching the local economy and encouraging the retention of young talent within the country.
Our focus on decent work and economic growth.
8.1: Sustainable economic growth
8.2: Diversify, innovate and upgrade for economic productivity
8.3: Promote policies to support job creation and growing enterprises
8.4: Improve resource efficiency in consumption and production.
8.5: Full employment and decent work with equal pay
8.6: Promote youth employment, education and training
8.8: Protect labour rights and promote safe working environment
Innovation andInfrastructure | SDG #9
Celtic Tweed is dedicated to fostering innovation and infrastructure development both locally and globally. We are working on the Digital Start Program to automate production processes. Through the integration of an ERP system and digitalisation of pattern cutting, catalogue generation, CAD sampling, and 3D visual representations, we aspire to enhance product development while minimising costs and waste.
Simultaneously, as we transition to more modern machinery, we are looking to donate our old sewing machines to Syria via GOAL. This initiative aims to empower local communities in Syria by facilitating the establishment of small-scale clothing factories tailored to their needs. We can provide machines that align with the power specifications available in recipient countries.
Our use of innovation to optimise our operational activities
9.1: Develop sustainable, resilient and inclusive infrastructures
9.2: Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization
9.4: Upgrade all industries and infrastructures for sustainability
9.5: Enhance research and upgrade industrial technologie
Reduced Inequalities |SDG #10
Celtic Tweed is actively working to reduce inequalities within our business by adopting a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.
Beyond our internal operations, our contribution to promote a more equitable society reaches as far as Syria. By providing sewing machines we can help people to cloth for themselves, empower communities to meet their needs, stimulate economic development, and help reduce income inequalities.
Our contribution to equal society
10.1: Reduce income inequalities
10.2: Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion
10.3: Ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination
10.4: Adopt fiscal and social policies that promote equalit
Responsible Consumption & Production | SDG#12
Celtic Tweed is committed to responsible consumption and production. Our brand's ethos is the sustainable and ethical creation of world-class clothing designed, cut, and crafted in Ireland. By producing locally we are minimising the carbon footprint associated with imports. We are dedicated to local sourcing, supporting smaller indigenous producers and ensuring we minimise the global sourcing of raw materials.
Complementing our sustainable practices, our packaging solutions are thoughtfully eco-conscious, made only using compostable materials. Additionally, we are actively exploring ways to repurpose fabric offcuts, further underscoring our dedication to sustainability and waste reduction.
By 2025, our commitment is to exclusively use organic, sustainable, or recycled materials like cotton, linen, polyester, and tweed, with a preference for those produced in Ireland.
We envision a circular economy for our products, emphasising longevity through repair services. We currently offer garment repair services and are looking to further expand on this through community engagement activities, such as repair cafes with various community groups and garment donations.
Our model for sustainable consumption and production
12.2: Sustainable management and use of natural resources
12.5: Substantially reduce waste generation
12.6: Encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and sustainability reporting
12.7: Promote sustainable public procurement practices
12.8: Promote a universal understanding of sustainable lifestyle
Climate Action | SDG #13
We've established demanding sustainability goals to progress the transformation of our business model. Our focus is on diminishing the environmental impact of our product manufacturing and operations, while generating positive impacts for the communities.
We are constantly striving to improve the efficiency of our operations and create clothing with a minimum carbon footprint. As we prepare and build a sustainable business, for future development, we are considering the following risk mitigation strategies: Exploring digital innovations in our production processes; Adopting LEAN methodologies to enhance efficiency and minimise waste; Upgrading to renewable energy sources to control costs.
Our commitments for reducing climate impact
13.1: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters
13.2: Integrate climate change measures into policy and planning
13.3: Build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change
13.5: Promote mechanisms to raise capacity for planning and managemen
Partnerships for theGoals | SDG #17
Celtic Tweed handcrafts Men's and Women's clothing, celebrating traditional Irish fabrics through our timeless designs and tailoring excellence. We unite Celtic diaspora all over the world through a shared appreciation of Irish heritage and craftsmanship through our locally handwoven Tweed creations.
We are keen on partnering with local fabric producers, engaging with ETB courses, and collaborating with fashion schools and universities. We hope to work with emerging creatives, students, and fellow designers to encourage sustainable practices in our industry.
Our efforts for partnership for the goals.
17.1: Mobilise resources to improve domestic revenue collection
17.6: Knowledge sharing and cooperation for access to science, technology and innovation
17.14: Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development
17.17: Encourage effective partnership